
Satchel Satchel

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Satchel needs your support for its future and development. We distribute Satchel and provide updates for free, for anyone to use or modify. Just know by donating, 100% goes towards the development and paying for the education of the maintainers. So please consider becoming a patron.

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Satchel is a modern open-source alternative to Roblox's default backpack.

Satchel aims to be more customizable and easier to use than the default backpack while still having a "vanilla" feel. Installation of Satchel is as simple as dropping the module into your game and setting up a few properties if you like to customize it. It has a familiar feel and structure as to the default backpack for ease of use for both developers and players.

This documentation will allow you to install Satchel and learn about how to script using Satchel.

  • Fast and easy installation

    Install Satchel from the Creator Marketplace or GitHub Releases in less than 10 minutes


  • Full device support

    Compatible with computers, phones, tablets, consoles, and VR. Input-based UI allows the UI to adapt to input rather than device in real time.


  • Highly customizable

    Change the colors, fonts, language, icons, and logo without having to open a script using instance attributes


  • Open Source, MPL-2.0

    Open source and licensed under the Mozilla Public License Version 2.0. Available on GitHub


  • Blazingly performant and lightweight

    Built for speed and ultra-lightweight. Satchel is takes less than 0.1 MB of space and is as fast, if not faster than the default backpack.


  • Rojo sync compatibility

    Compatible with Rojo. Easily add to your Rojo projects or contribute. Distributed through Wally or Git Submodules.
